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A reimagined tale of the biblical epic saga surrounding Jacob who became Israel. In Jacob we see a man determined to get what he wants no matter what it takes. This fascinating family drama explores his relationship with his father Isaac, mother Rebecca, and twin brother Esau. Then turns to his subsequent exile where he marries sisters Rachel and Leah and has a marred relation with his cunning father-in-law, Lavan. It’s an all-out psychological narrative that brings to light the motives behind the deceptions, the repentances, the sibling rivalries, and parents favouritisms.

The book will take you back to the bronze age and paint colourful insights of life in this era. It also depicts how they dealt with so many true to modern life situations, such as living with depression and dementia. We see characters push to overcome hardships and mental strain brought by situations such as polygamy, arranged marriages, working under slavery conditions, and the struggles faced by women who can’t have children.

Click the link bellow to get your own copy of this fascinating book.


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